Say, yes, yes, OH YES to getting your groove back! Have a healthier sex life with EMsella!

Sexual health is a sign of overall health. An active sex life is associated with closer relationships, a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, reduced stress and better sleep. At Morph Med Spa, we understand that sex is an important part of life, and we’re here to help you enjoy sex for the rest of your life.

Packages start at $1500

EMsella is a non-invasive, painless treatment for sexual wellness. Getting a treatment is as simple as sitting in a chair for 28 minutes. So, you can stay fully clothed during the entire treatment! 

EMsella uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to strengthen and lengthen pelvic floor muscles. This is the first non-invasive treatment of its kind which has been shown to even help women AND men.

The EMsella even helps men who have lost sexual function after prostate surgery.

Regardless of your gender, you have pelvic floor muscles which are responsible for arousal and orgasm. EMsella targets these muscles by contracting and relaxing them 11,000 times per treatment session.

This treatment has been proven to increase sensation which makes it easier to achieve orgasm and experience stronger orgasm.

Most other sexual wellness treatments are invasive or time-consuming, but Emsella offers a convenient treatment option that doesn't require downtime.


  • We recommend six treatments spread out over three weeks for optimal results – that’s 2 per week.

  • EMtone is FDA-approved to treat cellulite and loose skin of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs (quadriceps, hamstrings, inner thighs, and “saddlebags”), and arms.

  • Your optimal result will take approximately three months after EMsella treatment; however, many patients see results after just a few sessions.

  • During the treatment, you will feel tingling as your pelvic floor muscles contract. There will be no pain.

  • To prepare for EMsella treatment, empty your bladder and remove all metal and electronic devices from your body.

  • You will remain fully clothed as you sit in our comfortable EMsella chair. For the best results, wear loose clothing.